
Song for Jedi

So I exercised a bit today at the new gym I joined. Hopefully this is the beginning of a regular happening. And as I was driving home, I was thinking about something. Therefore, I am blogging about it. My question to you, dear readers, concerns habits of thinking. How long will it take until the thoughts that I want to have become the thoughts that I actually have. Case in point, because I am a female cliche, I have body image issues. Recently, I have noticed that my boobs have become smaller. And of course there are always fluctuations in breast size, but it seems to me that there's been a pretty significant, well okay, not really significant, but....noticeable reduction. And I know I shouldn't let that bother me. And I know that size isn't as important as quality, i.e. it's better to have smaller nice, firm boobs than sloppy sagging pieces of crap, but it still does bother me. And it's the same with any part of my body that I dislike or am disappointed in. I've often had this question and it has been my number one skepticism of therapy, self-help, etc. Do these issues and/or problems ever really get fixed. And of course, this is a question that concerns many more issues than body image, but because I am a stereotype surrounded by banality wrapped inside triteness, this is the main problem I have. Will I ever naturally and completely organically be okay with my appearance? Can one really derail or even detour trains of thought?

1 comment:

Alisa Smith-Riel said...

Well Jill,
It has been my experience that practically no one is ever 100% satisfied with their bodies. I've heard the most beautiful women, famous for their beauty and desirability bemoan the imagined flaws they see. Consequently, how can any of us mere mortals be satisfied with our bodies? Afterall, if we were satisfied gyms, beauty products, fashion, and many other industries would scream to a halt in the wake of our satisfaction. If we were satisfied with our natural beauty/ body, why would we need their products?
Just my 2 cents... ;) Alisa