

I received an e-mail today addressing me as Professor, which made me laugh, to tell me about the "clicker revolution". It also made me think of the debate of correct terminology, which often comes down to a Northern Illinois vs. Southern (or Central, which is really Southern) Illinois. For instance, do you call it a clicker or a remote? Clicker. Is it pop or soda? Pop. Cardinals or Cubs? Cubs. Although I find it interesting that it's very rare to find a White Sox fan anywhere South of I-80. I got a knock on my door this morning, which was pretty eventful since it is a very rare occasion, and was delivered my copy of Colin Meloy's book on The Replacement's Let It Be. Woot! There was just a clap of thunder that lasted for almost a minute; my first thought: awesome. And, I've learned that Sufjan Stevens is going to be at the Metro on my birthday. So that's a nice gift.


Anonymous said...

Remote, soda, Cardinals. Eat it.

CoachDub said...

I have a long-held, much-researched, and quite substantiated theory that when it comes to the pop/soda debate, one thing is true:
People who say "pop" don't really care what another person says, while people who say "soda" are the ones who get all pissy about it.

Anonymous said...

you are the only person I've ever heard refer to a remote as a clicker. it's cute :)

Anonymous said...

I subscribe to your pop/soda theory, John. And Angela, my family has generally referred to it as a clicker, but occasionally we call it a remote. Do you Peoria-natives also call pop soda?